

大多数企业都在寻求增长. And if that growth needs funding, you’re going to have to get in front of investors. So, 在你生意的任何阶段, 无论你是创业公司还是后来者, 下面我们来谈谈 为什么PR很重要 以及如何利用公关机构来吸引投资者.

资助者, 无论是风险投资公司, institutional funds or private equity firms receive thousands of proposals a year and each have a specific requirement when it comes to investment. So it goes without saying it’s tough to get a funders’ attention. But using a PR agency can significantly increase your chances of getting funded, and here's how:


Creating a business doesn’t automatically make you an expert in your field. Which is why building your personal and businesses’ brand is imperative through PR and communications.  If nobody knows about your expertise or views on the industry, then you won’t be seen as an expert. 

如果你在一家战略公关公司工作, they will work with you to understand your expertise and opinions and translate these into a thought leadership strategy that will ensure your messages are picked up by the right media in your industry. 无论是评论文章, 新闻文章中的评论, 重要标题中的常规列. All of this supports raising your (and your key spokespeople’s) reputation to potential investors. 

Being a guest on a podcast talking about the future of your industry, authoring an opinion column or giving a quote on product innovation will help you build your credibility. Publications don't publish articles from authors that have nothing useful to say to their readers, and journalists don't ask for quotes from random people.

Every word you say in the press is your chance for investors to notice you, and see you as an expert who explores daring innovations and has the knowledge and courage to create a fast-growing, 成功的公司.


While you clearly have to be eyes down and working on your concept, 商业计划, MVP和风险管理, finding the right PR agency needs to be equally as important if you are looking for funds. 

No investor wants to miss an opportunity of catching the next unicorn so give them FOMO. Investors are constantly looking for the best deals and they use the press to do so. TechCrunch, VentureBeat and Crunchbase are what lots of investors use to find another potential multi-billion dollar company.


对投资者来说,你和你的愿景才是最重要的. A good PR agency will work with you to sell you and your vision in the best possible way, 保持一致性和吸引力. 他们会寻找合适的故事, the best publications and the most influential journalists that really matter to your business. 

And remember that PR is not all press releases and interviews. 确保在网络媒体上的位置, 但也要抓住更多创新的机会, 比如播客, 科技活动, through twitter and LinkedIn chats or Alexa Flash Briefings - basically anywhere that will create buzz and investors may be.

Validate your message and practice what you preach 

PR coverage validates a business case so when investors are researching you, 新闻报道可以支持你的信息. It’s a way to prove that you practice what you preach and share the thoughts and opinions of people in the business on its future.  这不仅仅是你说你很棒, 投资者会期待什么?, 第三方记者也这么说. 


Competition is fierce for investors, and budgets are tight, particularly in current times. You may have a service or product that is innovative and so needed for your potential customers. 但如果投资者从未听说过你, it can be almost impossible to prove that your startup is worth investing in, 尤其是当你的市场已经很拥挤的时候. 你脱颖而出的几率有多大? Use PR and communications to help you get noticed and stand out in such a noisy world. 

This is another reason to be active in the press and on socials to get the funds. Seeing you in every major publication and on social platforms is a form of proof that you are worth their money and time. It’s third party validation from an approved source and this is invaluable. 

Differentiate your brand and yourself from other businesses by strong PR appearances and get the money you need for your company faster. Choosing the right PR agency is key to this and will make the process a much more slick operation. 


Press coverage is also important from an SEO perspective, particularly if they contain links back to your own website, 这不仅能帮助投资者找到你, 还有潜在客户.

公关公司对你的企业来说是一笔巨大的财富. 花点时间去找对的人. 一定要 从你的公关公司获得最大收益. If you’d like assistance on your PR and communications strategy, 保持联系

