
What's Coming Up at Manchester的数字 at a glance | January 2024

新更新| 2024年1月


January always seems to fly by as it is our annual 数码技能节 在二月的第一个星期. Each year the festival brings new ideas and opportunities that help us shape how we work and support more people looking for opportunities to learn more about the sector. 

会议 delivers thought-provoking discussions that help business leaders understand emerging trends and beyond the conference, 这个节日突出了进入科技行业的途径, 通过我们的学徒日和才艺日. 

我们还需要你对2024年技能审核的意见. Your response gives direct input on the skills needs and gaps facing regional employers.

我们比以往任何时候都做得更大 人才的一天,选择布里奇沃特大厅作为今年的场地. The venue will provide more space for job seekers to move around and chat with hiring businesses, whilst taking a moment to marvel at the iconic venue. 

数字化她的一天 is a new addition this year, which will help women in tech to connect, upskill & 感到鼓舞, and is supported by organisations passionate about gender equity in the digital sector.

To round off the week, you'll have the chance to upskill by attending our 专业发展课程. 

The 技能节 isn't the only thing taking place however, and we're also working in the background on our 2024 conferences and events. We've put together a handy infographic of our 2024 events for you to bookmark and if you'd like to present at any of our events, 那么请与 凯特.wilson@greenlifeideas.com.


  • How you can contribute to helping shape the future workforce and continued prosperity in our region.
  • 2024年我们将如何支持创业公司.
  • Ways to meet other members - Ecommerce 2024 announced! 
  • 如何从招聘中获得最大收益.
  • 所有正在发生的事情!




Jot these dates down in your diary to make sure you don't miss out!



Thu, 7 Mar 2024 09:00 - 10:30 | 全球最大的博彩平台 Technology Centre

Manchester的数字's Tech Leader Talks offers the opportunity for senior leaders in large-scale digital and tech businesses here in the North West to come together with other C-Level individuals to network, 分享最佳实践,结交新朋友.

This event will be in the format of a breakfast networking session followed by a Q & A. The morning will include a light breakfast for all attendees, 茶点和行业洞察会议.



3月21日,星期四| 13:00 - 17:00 | 1号圆形广场

十大正规博彩网站评级 us for an immersive full-day conference filled with enlightening learning sessions, 迷人的主题演讲嘉宾, 以及发人深省的小组讨论. Dive deep into the world of AI-driven Conversational Interfaces, unravel the technology powering dynamic product recommendations, and dissect the impact on customer engagement and skyrocketing sales. That's not all – we'll also navigate the intricacies of Customer Journey Optimisation and unveil much more!



联系 凯特.wilson@greenlifeideas.com 讨论合作机会.


Kickstart January by organising your events calendar for 2024.


最后一次机会! 技能审计2024

We need your contribution to help shape the future workforce and continued prosperity in our region.

The 2024 Digital 技能审计 provides critical insights into our local talent that inform workforce development programs. Your response gives direct input on the skills needs and gaps facing regional employers.

We know your time is limited, so we've kept the surveys concise at 10 minutes. Consider forwarding internally to an HR leader or your senior manager able to complete the Audit if not the right contact.

  1. For Business leaders (covering: Business Confidence, Recruitment, Skill Gaps and more).  
  2. 对于人力资源专业人士(涵盖人口统计,L&D). 

作为额外的激励, we'll donate £500  to Fare分享 Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 which does vital work combatting food poverty and food waste in and around our city. We'll also draw a winner at random from everyone who completes the 技能审计, who will be able to donate £500 to a charity of their choosing in their or their organisation's name.

Please contribute your perspectives to the 技能审计 today or pass this along to an internal expert who can. 

Every completed survey helps ensure our research and future programs directly address employer and talent needs across the region. 我们非常感谢您的贡献.




启动激活器 will give businesses an unbiased and unvarnished view of the Startup landscape and an introduction to all the programmes, investments and support that are on offer across the Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 region. 

点击这里阅读Startup Review报告. 

启动激活 Launch Session: From Idea to Early Traction

Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:00 - 18:00 | 全球最大的博彩平台 Technology Centre

If you are a Founder of an early start up - join us for this free session 提供建议和支持. 我们将专注于早期的想法 traction in this session and offering legal guidance. 不容错过!



全球最大的博彩平台 Digital's 启动激活 will help startups in the Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 region maximise success, taking you from idea to early traction stage with all the knowledge and resources you need to 蓬勃发展. 

The programme will include exclusive founder network meetups, workshops and access to an active supportive community which includes investors, trusted professional service support and more. 


你能帮助创业公司吗?? 我们在寻找合作伙伴. 

We are looking for 4 partners to support this programme and help us deliver 12 months of valuable information and insight to the next generation of tech businesses and make sure that Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 continues to grow great businesses.

联系 凯特.wilson@greenlifeideas.com 讨论



没多久了! There's still time to grab your tickets for this years 数码技能节.


Mon, 5 Feb 2024 | 13:00 - 18:15 | No1 Circle Square

Manchester的数字's 数码技能节 will be launched with our Conference Day, 汇集行业专家, thought leaders and key stakeholders from across the sector for an afternoon of panels, talks and networking opportunities as we discuss some of the key challenges and trends impacting the industry.


数码技能节 2024: Digital 学徒制 Day (For Businesses)

Tue, 6 Feb 2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 | No1 Circle Square

Offering apprenticeships provides amazing benefits for your organisation and the sector at large, but starting that process can sometimes feel daunting.

This afternoon session is designed to help employers explore their options and hear from organisations who can share their insights and wisdom around employing digital apprentices.

Connect with other businesses who share your values, ask your most pressing questions and get inspired by empowering & 雇佣下一代科技人才.



2月7日星期三| 10:00 - 16:00 | Bridgewater Hall

人才的一天 is an event for businesses who are hiring early career in the next 1 - 2 years and want to get in front of graduates, 换工作等等. 

This is an event for businesses that want to have conversations with proactive job seekers and who want to build their talent pipeline. 

Our last 人才的一天 attracted over 1800 signups and was the biggest careers fair in the North West. If you’d like to exhibit at this year's talent day, 在这里找到更多信息

Let me know if you would like to send over more details. 

DSF 2024:让管理成为你的超能力

2024年2月9日(星期五)| 10:30 - 12:30

Managers in organisations of all shapes and sizes have encountered significant challenges over the last few years in doing just that - managing. 分散的工人, 多代的劳动力, 政治不确定性, and stagnant economies have made the actual practice of managing more complex and difficult.

In this session we will analyse some of the factors causing the challenges managers currently face and develop a blueprint of best practice that attendees can take away, 制定自己的管理行动计划.


DSF 2024: Yoga for Desk Workers with Feather and Rock yoga

2024年2月9日星期五| 13:00 - 13:40

Working at a desk or computer all day takes its toll on the body and the mind. This 40 minute online session will help to alleviate achy shoulders, necks and lower backs with simple exercises that gently stretch and strengthen. feather and rock invites you to carve out some time during your working day to use your computer for your positive well-being.


DSF 2024:建筑无障碍 & 为人类和地球可持续发展的网站

2024年2月9日(星期五)| 14:00 - 16:00

在这个研讨会上, you’ll learn development techniques to help make your site more sustainable and accessible, where the two intersect and complement one another, and how teams can embed the process from start to finish.



每个星期二, the jobs board round-up is shared on our social media channels and groups from the Manchester的数字 jobs board to let job seekers discover new roles. 

如果你们在招人,请告诉我! 电子邮件: 麦尔斯.hamiliton@greenlifeideas.com


2月7日星期三| 10:00 - 16:00 | Bridgewater Hall

人才的一天 is an event for businesses who are hiring early career in the next 1 - 2 years and want to get in front of graduates, 换工作等等. 

This is an event for businesses that want to have conversations with proactive job seekers and who want to build their talent pipeline. 

Our last 人才的一天 attracted over 1800 signups and was the biggest careers fair in the North West. If you’d like to exhibit at this year's talent day, 在这里找到更多信息

Let me know if you would like to send over more details. 




Have you ever wondered how technological advancements enable the Home Office to keep our country secure and allow us to utilise government services? 现在你有机会知道了. 请在2月29日参加我们的网络研讨会.



We’re excited to announce that we can help support members make the most of the global opportunities available to them. 如果你关注的是国际增长, 市场的扩张, 节约成本, 法规遵从性, 或者对海外市场普遍感兴趣, 那就让我知道. 

This is enabled by an affiliation partnership with Santander’s Navigator platform and as Manchester的数字 members, you will get free access to the ‘Prepare’ subscription package on Santander Navigator, 节省1英镑,800 on the standard cost for this level of subscription.



作为会员, you can now gain access to discounted membership at The Home Grown Club for those visiting London - Access their exclusive member-only events, 社区, 设施包括35间卧室, 会议室, 休息室, 酒吧, 阳台, 活动空间等.

Perfect for when visiting large conferences like the London Tech Week and needing a space to check in with work. 


Wider 社区 events coming up posted by members



